Here is a step-by-step process for buying from us:

Sign In/Create Account

Sign in to your existing account or create a new account if you are a new customer. You can also use the guest checkout option where you can proceed without creating an account on the checkout page.


Browse our Website

Visit our online shop and browse through the products/categories to find what you want to buy.


Select the Product

Click on the product you want to purchase to view its details, specifications, images and price.


Add to Cart

Once you've decided to purchase the product, click on the "Add to Cart" or "Buy Now" button. This will add the item to your virtual shopping cart.


Review Your Cart

After adding the item to your cart, review your cart to ensure that the correct product, quantity, size and colour are selected.


Proceed to Checkout

Once you are satisfied with your selections in the cart, click on the "Checkout" button to proceed with the purchase. You may be prompted to sign in to your existing account or create a new account if you're a new customer.


Enter Shipping/delivery Information

Provide your shipping address, including your name, street address, city, state/province, zip/postal code, and country. Make sure the information is accurate to ensure timely delivery.


Choose Shipping/delivery option

Select your preferred shipping/delivery method from the available options. This will include delivery to Accra, Kumasi and outside the two cities, each with its associated cost and estimated delivery time.


Enter Payment Information

Enter your payment details, including credit/debit card/mobile money information, billing address (if different from shipping address).


Review Order Summary

Before finalizing the purchase, carefully review the order summary, which includes the selected items, quantity, price, shipping details, and total cost.


Place Order/Pay

Once you've reviewed and confirmed all the details, proceed to place your order by clicking on the "Place Order" or "Pay Now" button.


Receive Confirmation

After successfully placing your order and completing the payment process, you should receive an order confirmation email or a confirmation page on the website. This confirmation typically includes your order number, purchased items, shipping address, and estimated delivery date.


Receive and Enjoy Your Purchase

Once your order arrives, carefully inspect the package to ensure everything is as expected. Unbox your purchase and enjoy using or wearing your new item!